The origins of the philosophy of symbolic forms Kant, Hegel, and Cassirer Donald Phillip Verene 

Erscheinungsform: einbändiges Werk
  • Verene, Donald Phillip
Umfang: XXII, 142 S.
Anmerkungen: Includes bibliographical references and index
Identifikatoren/​Sonstige Nummern: 657862347 [PPN]
978-0-8101-2778-4 [ISBN]
  • Introduction: schema, substance, and symbol -- Linguistic form: the critique of reason becomes the critique of culture -- Mythical thought: beginning the ladder of consciousness -- Phenomenology of knowledge: taking phenomenology in the Hegelian, not the modern sense -- Metaphysics of symbolic forms: spirit, life, and Werk -- Logic of the cultural sciences: nature and culture -- Animal symbolicum -- Human freedom and politics
Schlagwörter: Symbol, Erkenntnistheorie
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